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Poolesville Presbyterian Church
02.23.2025; Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

Call To Worship:
Leader: God calls us together to worship this morning. From our work and play within the world, God gathers us to give thanks for creation's goodness, for the strength to labor, for the wisdom to relax.
Response: From amidst our friends and family, God brings us here to
participate in a community of faith, Christ's people, a new family.
Leader: From everyday conversations, talks, and chatter, God invites
us to engage one another, to speak in truth from the depths of heart and mind, to pray freely.
Response: Let us heed God's call and rejoice in what God enables.
Leader: Let us worship God!

Hymn 450 Be Thou My Vision

Prayer of Confession (unison, from Howard Thurman)
I want to be more loving in my heart. It is often easy to have the idea in mind, the plan to be more loving. To see it with my mind and give assent to the thought of being loving--this is crystal clear. But I want to be more loving in my heart! I must feel like loving; I must ease the tension in my heart that ejects the sharp barb, the stinging word. I want to be more loving in my heart that, with unconscious awareness and deliberate intent, I shall be a kind, gracious human being. Thus those who walk the way with me may find it easier to love, to be gracious because of the Love of God which is increasingly expressed in my living. I want to be more loving in my heart. (silent prayer)

Assurance of Pardon
The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. I declare
to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. May the God
of all mercy, who forgives us all our sins, strengthen us in all
goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal
life. AMEN.

Scripture Readings:

First: Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40

Second: Genesis 45:3-11, 15

Hymn 729 Lord I Want to Be a Christian

Third: Luke 6:27-38

Sermon: To You Who Are Listening

Affirmation of Faith: (adapted from the Confession of 1967)
God's sovereign love is a mystery beyond the reach of the human mind.
Human thought ascribes to God superlatives of power, wisdom, and
goodness. But God reveals his love in Jesus Christ by showing power
in the form of a servant, wisdom in the folly of the cross, and
goodness in receiving our broken souls. The power of God's love in
Christ to transform the world discloses that the Redeemer is the Lord
and Creator who made all things to serve the purpose of his love.

Hymn 623 I've Got Peace Like a River

Charge and Benediction1