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Bulletin Information

Poolesville Presbyterian Church

12.22.2024; Fourth Sunday of Advent

Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle:

Leader: We light these candles as a sign of the coming light of Christ, a beacon on our journey, a guide through our lives. We remember on this day that the Prophet Isaiah wrote: “The Lord will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.”

Response: Let us walk in the light of the Lord.

Hymn 82 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Prayer of Confession:

Almighty God, Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, the message we get, over and over again from our world, is that it's all about us. Our society offers us the fulfillment of our every desire. It tells us we should get everything we want. It creates in us the expectation that our every hunger, desire, and passion should be fulfilled right now. And as we chase after those things, forever unsatisfied, forever hungry, we wander farther and farther from the Kingdom Jesus came into this world to proclaim. Remind us, Gracious One, that it is in you that we find ourselves. In Christ, please help us remember, AMEN.

Assurance of Pardon

Leader: Who is in a position to condemn?

All: Only Christ, who lived for us, died for us, and reigns

in power for us.

Leader: Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation altogether.

The past is finished and gone. Everything is fresh and

new. Friends, what is the good news of the Gospel?

Unison: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. AMEN.

Anthem Every Valley by Victor Johnson

Scripture Readings:

First: Psalm 80:1-7

Second: Luke 1:39-45

Hymn 97 Watchman, Tell Us of the Night

Third: Luke 1:46-55

Sermon: The Annual Checkup

Affirmation of Faith (Unison, from the Confession of 1967)

God’s sovereign love is a mystery beyond the reach of our minds. Human thought ascribes to God superlatives of power, wisdom, and goodness. But God reveals his love in Jesus Christ by showing power in the form of a servant, wisdom in the folly of the cross, and goodness in receiving the sinful. The power of God’s love in Christ to transform the world discloses that the Redeemer is the Lord and Creator who made all things to serve the purposes of his love.

Hymn 137 He Came Down

Charge and Benediction