Rules for Using Our Buildings

  • A church representative will provide access to the building.
  • You will be given a phone number to contact should you need help of any kind.
  • You may use chairs and tables if you return them to their original locations. Please do not use other furnishings without permission.
  • You may not use food supplies, coffee, or paper products.
  • You may not serve or use alcohol except by express written permission of Session.
  • You may not smoke in any church building.
  • You must clean all rooms used, including the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • You must turn off lights and return thermostats to their original setting.
  • You must dispose of trash: please bag and place in the trash bin near parking lot.
  • In the event of property damage, you must pay for repair or replacement in the amount determined by the Buildings & Grounds Committee.
Building Use Rulea