This blog is set up to provide you with the capability to listen to our weekly sermons as presented during our worship services. In most cases these sermons will have been delivered by our pastor, the Rev. David Williams. On Sundays when he is not at our worship service the guest minister may choose to have his/her sermon recorded.
For those of you new to podcasting, here’s more info about it. Every week we record the sermon presented during worship. Then the sermon gets converted to a format that can be used over the Internet. Finally, this newly formatted sermon gets uploaded to our web site.
Once on the web it’s located on the web page where you are so you can listen to the sermon. There are two ways to listen to the sermon. One way to listen to the sermon is to download the sermon to your computer and then listen to it using a program like Windows Media Player, Real Player, or others. While this method works, it’s not a very practical method for most people. It can take quite a while to download the sermon. In fact, it will likely take you longer to download the sermon than the sermon itself. If you do want to download a sermon click on the word “Download” that appears near each sermon group.
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In lieu of this (and highly recommended), you can use a method called audio streaming. With audio streaming you will go to the web page that lists the sermons. Then you simply click a button to play the sermon directly from the web site. The sermon will start to play immediately. Nothing to download, nothing to store. All you have to do is enjoy the audio. Click on the word above for the podcasting sermons and you’ll see a button with an arrow that you push to start the audio. Once you push the button more options will appear (like stop, start, volume, etc.)
Once you are comfortable with podcasting as described above, you may want to consider going another step further. You may want to consider subscribing to an RSS feed that is tied to the sermons. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. While that sounds intimidating, all it really means is that you will automatically be notified when a new sermon has been posted (hence the idea of a subscription). To use an RSS feed you will need something called a newsreader. Blogtrottr is an example of one. When Blogtrottr detects that a new sermon has been posted to the web site it will send you an email notifying you of that event. (You can sign up at by clicking blogtrottr.com … just supply your email address and the link in the next paragraph along with how often you want it to check for a new sermon on your behalf).
Assuming you have a newsreader, you can set up our site in a couple of ways. Using your reader simply connect to http://www.poolpres.com/wordpress/feed/ or define that address to the newsreader (depending on how the newsreader is set up to find the sermons). Some newsreaders will allows you to simply click on the link in the “LINKS” area of the podcast page titled “Entries RSS”. It will then set up the subscription for you.